Thanks, very informative, Iraq was the dead canary in the human rights mine, a million slaughtered mostly children by a Coalition Of The Willing, doctors journalists and diversity killed to install systemic strategic starvation and disease over non existent WMDs and Al-Qaeda, the place where every accusation became a confession all the way from Guantanamo to Abu Ghraib.
Thanks, very informative, Iraq was the dead canary in the human rights mine, a million slaughtered mostly children by a Coalition Of The Willing, doctors journalists and diversity killed to install systemic strategic starvation and disease over non existent WMDs and Al-Qaeda, the place where every accusation became a confession all the way from Guantanamo to Abu Ghraib.
The West and Israel have no mortality.
The Wests Corporate TotalitarianFascist, “Leaders” are, basically, Mediocre Useless PREDATORY PARASITE CANNIBALS❗️
This was so illuminating. Thank you both for sharing your knowledge and time. May the fall of the global north occur soon.